COURSE DESCRIPTION: Pre-requisite: 3D Studio Art 1 & 3D Studio Art 2
3D Studio Art 3 honors builds the foundation built in 3D Studio 1 and 2. The focus of this class is to have students fully embrace thinking and making choices as an artist in their own right. Student learning is completely self-driven. The student will learn new techniques and expand on previously learned techniques to create 3D forms. Students in this course build on the sequential learning experiences of Introduction to 3D Art that encompass art history, art criticism, aesthetics, and production and lead to the creation of portfolio quality works. Students explore historical and cultural background and connections; analyze, interpret, theorize, and make informed judgements about artwork and the nature of art; create threedimensional works of art, reflect upon the outcomes, and revise their work; relate art to other disciplines and discover opportunities for integration; and incorporate literacy and presentational skills.
COURSE OBJECTIVES: • Students will enhance their hand-building techniques: slab, coil, pinch, mold. • Students will learn to to use potter’s wheel. • Students will increase their academic and visual language skills while identifying and applying elements and principles of design through 3D form. • Work through and solve visual problems effectively. • Increase awareness of the creative process. • Increase knowledge of art tools and materials. • Pursue the art making process with a passion – be fearless.
COURSE EXPECTATIONS: Students are responsible for in-class studio work, participation, studio preparation and clean-up, artist/artwork research, and writing assignments. Students are expected to come to class on time and be prepared for every class. Students are expected to plan artwork, put forth good effort in creating artwork, manage their studio/working time appropriately, complete the assignment, turn assignments on time, and complete the written analysis or reflection. Students are expected to do their own work, unless working on a group activity.
CLASSROOM RULES: It should be everyone’s goal to see that each student has the opportunity to work in an environment that is free of any disruptive or negative behaviors and attitudes. Failure to work together toward this goal will not be tolerated. Disciplinary actions will be taken for excessive messes, refusal to clean up, or disruptive or negative behavior. If needed administration and parent will be notified. • Respect all people, projects, materials, and the classroom. • Use tools only for their intended purpose. • Discrimination or any hateful/negative language or actions will not be tolerated. • Come to class prepared, pay attention, follow directions and stay on task. Attendance is very important. • Be careful with your words, think before you speak, take your time and listen. Respect yourself, your classmates, your educator and environment/community. • Never, and I repeat NEVER steal anyone else’s work, and never PLAGIARIZE. • Food and drinks are NOT permitted in class. A water bottle with lid is the only exception. • NO cell phones in class, unless they are being used for an assignment. • Always clean up your area. Wipe down tables with a wet sponge or rag. • Follow the Code of Student Conduct.
SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS: There is a $15.00 lab fee. The lab fee will cover any photo related materials needed for this course. This fee must be paid in the beginning of the school year.
EVALUATION: • The grade for this course is based on studio projects, planning, participation, critiques, research, art criticism, presentations, and written reflections. Studio projects are graded according to rubrics that include areas of assessment such as: effort, demonstrated knowledge of concept, classroom working habits, composition, and use of media. • Students will be expected to maintain a sketchbook, which will include sample drawings, technical processes, and art history notes. • Please be sure to submit work by due dates. Late work will decrease a letter grade with each passing day. • Make up work can be submitted with an excused absence within 3 days of absence.
Your overall grade is calculated on the following scale: • 65% Studio Projects • 20% Assignments • 15% Participation
In general, grades can be described as follows: A = 90-100%. This grade is for the student that consistently demonstrates excellent effort, good quality work, originality, thoughtfulness, participation, good behavior and working habits as well as excellent written work. You do not have to be an amazing artist to earn an “A” grade, on the other hand, you may be an amazing artist and not earn an “A” grade due to lack of written work, missed deadlines or working habits.
B = 80% to 89%. This is a good grade for a student demonstrating good quality work, timely completion of assignments, fairly consistent effort, good written work, and class participation.
C = 70% to 79%. This grade shows that the student has completed most assignments at an average level without showing much effort, quality of work, proficiency or participation.
D = 60 to 69%. This grade shows little effort or quality of work and needs improvement. This grade is usually due to missing and/or late assignments and little class participation.
F = 0 to 59%. This is a failing grade and shows little to no effort on behalf of the student. This grade is usually due to many missing and/or late assignments, excessive absences, and lack of class participation.
PARTICIPATION GRADE: Class participation is calculated every 9 weeks. Every student, who comes prepared and participates/works in class daily, will receive a 100% for participation. Lack of participation will result in a letter grade drop in participation daily. This includes but not limited to socializing without working, working on other class assignments, and using phone.
ATTENDANCE POLICY: *Note* Please see Ronald Reagan/Doral SHS Attendance Policy for more information.
As 3D Art is a studio course, attendance is crucial to success in this class. Excessive tardies or absences can negatively affect academic grade. This is an activity-based course; lack of presence in class directly impacts understanding of course content as well as quality of artwork. If you know in advance that you will be missing class, it is student responsibility to be aware of and get coursework in advance. Tardy: Being tardy disrupts class and gives you less time to do your studio work. A detention will be given if you have 2 unexcused tardies and a referral will be written if you have 4 tardies or more. Absences: Students are responsible for making up missing work outside of class time. A referral will be written if you are skipping or have too many unexcused absences. If you have an excused absence, you have the ability to make up missed work within 3 days.
DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES: • 1st offense – VERBAL WARNING • 2nd offense – WRITTEN WARNING/CALL HOME (will affect conduct grade). • 3rd offense – DETENTION • 4th offense – Referral to administrator for further disciplinary action. • Detentions are given with the full support of the Administration and will be served. You will be notified in writing if you receive a detention. Your parents will be responsible for making alternate transportation arrangements.
TEACHER AND STUDENT/PARENT COMMUNICATION: Parents and students who have any questions or need to contact me can email me at [email protected]. You can also access my website or Schoology to view assignments, due dates and critique dates.