AP Art & Design Course and Exam Description:
Sample Portfolios Scored Using the 2020-2021 Rubrics:
2-D Sustained Investigation Samples and Scoring Commentaries
Sample student artwork for the Sustained Investigation section, with scoring commentaries explaining how they were scored according to the 2020 portfolio rubrics.
2-D Selected Works Samples and Scoring Commentaries
Sample student artwork for the Selected Works section, with scoring commentaries explaining how they were scored according to the 2020 portfolio rubrics.
Portfolio Registration on AP Classroom:
My AP login
Sign In to AP Art and Design Digital Portfolio
Sample Portfolios Scored Using the 2020-2021 Rubrics:
2-D Sustained Investigation Samples and Scoring Commentaries
Sample student artwork for the Sustained Investigation section, with scoring commentaries explaining how they were scored according to the 2020 portfolio rubrics.
2-D Selected Works Samples and Scoring Commentaries
Sample student artwork for the Selected Works section, with scoring commentaries explaining how they were scored according to the 2020 portfolio rubrics.
Portfolio Registration on AP Classroom:
My AP login
Sign In to AP Art and Design Digital Portfolio