1. Students will learn how to make their own clay stamps. 2. Students will experiment with a variety of tools to create unique textures. 3. Students will consider the importance of making their own mark.
What do you think are some of the reasons that people throughout history have created their own ceramic stamps? What will the stamps you create communicate about you and your culture? What can be used to create various textures on your stamps? What effects can be created by stamps on the projects that you are currently working on and will be working on later?
In your sketchbook, come up. with 15 different design ideas for your clay stamps. Think of your elements of art and principles of design. Your designs can be organic, geometric, have patterns, repetitions, shapes, lines, motif, etc... One of your designs will be your signature are initials, name or a symbol that represents who you are.
You are going to make 6
5 of the stamps will have different designs
1 of the stamps will be your signature.
You can make one of your stamps a clay texture roller.
Make your stamps different sizes.
Add a handle to your stamps
Do not use for stamping until bisqued. (bisqueware has been fired once and has no chemically bonded water left in the clay) Your stamps must be used on a claywork that will be glazed and fired. They can be used on one of more of your larger required assignments.