Students will be able to roll out a variety of different types of coil. Students will be constructing a coil bowl with the coils visible inside and out. Students will create an interesting patterns out of coils. Students will be able to properly adhere their coils using the slip and score method.
You will create a bowl out of coil construction.
Bowl must be a minimum of 8 inches in diameter
Your bowl can be round, oval, square, etc
You must use a minimum of 4 different coil techniques
Your coils must be visible inside and out.
You need to slip and score to attach your coils.
You need to have feet for your bowl.
The bowl is decorative, not functional.
You must bring a mold or something from home as the base of your bowl. Don't forget to cover your mold with newspaper of plastic wrap in order for your clay not to stick.
When your piece is leather hard, you must remove the mold. If you do not, your bowl and crack as it dries.
Do not forget to include your name and period in the bottom.