Continue with your sustained investigation. You will shoot 36 Digital Images. Sketchbook: You will create 2 pages of planning and reflection for the assignment. You will select two images and answer the following questions for each image:
Idea(s) visually evident (100 characters maximum, including spaces)
Materials used (100 characters maximum, including spaces)
Processes used (100 characters maximum, including spaces)
Project: Digital You will turn in a digital contact sheet with 36 images. File folder with 36 images, 10 working, and Final 5. You will rename your files LastName_SI10_(file number). We will have a class critique on the prints to help you determine which compositions work best in regard to the rule of thirds and how to photograph your subject with more interesting viewpoints to attract viewers to your compositions. You will print one 8" x 12" of each of your best photos for your portfolio.