Choice of Mentor and Theme for Sustained Investigation Portfolio:
Review your sustained investigation. You will choose a mentor photographer that best fits that area of focus.
Sketchbook: • Find a mentor from any of the resources found on the class website and complete “Artist As Mentor Research Sheet.” Please review your mentor with me. Please type your research and paste into your sketchbook. • Include 10 images from you mentor photographer. - in your sketchbook • Look at sample portfolios. You may find the link for AP College Board at the Reagan Aperture site.
You will create 2 pages of planning and reflection for this assignment. You will select two images and answer the following questions for each image:
Idea(s) visually evident (100 characters maximum, including spaces)
Materials used (100 characters maximum, including spaces)
Processes used (100 characters maximum, including spaces)
Film Project: You will shoot 36exp B+W Images.
You will turn in a darkroom contact to receive credit. We will have a class critique on the prints to help you determine which compositions work best in regard to the elements and design principles and how to photograph your subject with more interesting viewpoints to attract viewers to your compositions. Print one 8" x 10" of each of your best FOUR photos for your portfolio.