Major Civilizations
CONTENT: What do you see?
FORM: The details (what you see more exactly). How the artist delivers the content. CONTEXT: Everything NOT observable. FUNCTION: The intended purpose of the work. ART WORKSSouth America
153. Chavin de Huantar
(Motecuhzoma II?) 159. City of Cusco Peru (Inca)
161. City of Machu Picchu Peru
North America 154. Mesa Verde cliff dwellings Colorado (Anasazi) 156. Great Serpent Mound 163. Bandolier Bag 164. Transformation Mask Canada 165. Painted elk hide 166. Black-on-black ceramic vessel |
Art of the Indigenous Americas developed independently from northern Asia between 10,000 BCE and 1492 CE, marking the beginning of the European invasions. Regions and cultures are referred to as INDIGENOUS AMERICAS to signal the priority of First Nations cultural traditions over the colonizing and migrant peoples that have taken over the American continents for the last 500 years.
earthwork ashlar masonry effigy mound courses pre-Columbian comb roof repousse axis mundi |