Create a PowerPoint presentation using the following criteria…..
You need to find 3 photographers. You are to research information on this photographer and the work that they created.
You can use any photographer from the list of 100 photographers or you may find one that is not on the list. If you choose a photographer that is not from the list, you must get it approved by me.
For each photographer you will include 5 photographs.
Each photograph must have a title, year and location.
Write 5 facts about each photographer. (you can bullet it, you can spread it out throughout the presentation, etc…) Include where and when the photographer was born/died, any major contributions, what type of work, anything that can describe what type of photographer they were. DO NOT COPY AND PASTE FROM THE INTERNET. IT WILL NOT BE GRADED.
If you find a story or something that relates to a particular photograph, feel free to include in your album.
The album can be created any way you like, as long as it follows the criteria presented. BE CREATIVE!!!!!!
List your references. create a bibliography; books, website sites, articles, etc. in the last slide.
You are to save your PowerPoint as: FirstLastName_Powerpoint_Period, ex… JohnDoe_Powerpoint_5
Upload to your drive (google, one drive) and email me your shared linked. [email protected]. Make sure your file is public.
Final Album (creativity)
Interesting Story about your photography (one per photographer)